其他尺寸可以根据您的要求可以定做; 牌号:N35-N52;N35M-N50M,N35H-N48H,N35SH-N45SH,N30UH-N40UH,N30EH-N38EH. 产品其他特征: 1、高矫顽力、强磁动力; 2、较高操作温度:80-230摄氏度 3、产品符合ISO9001质量体系; 4、镀层:镍、镍铜镍、锌、银、金和其他特殊电镀和喷涂; 5、交货时间:确认订单后10-30天; 6、付款方式:T/T,月结30天。 价格按照尺寸、牌号、镀层、数量不同进行报价 如果你想有意向,请与我们联系!欢迎询价! Ring magnet:NdFeB magnet. D35*21.5*15mm;N35H;NI;mushroomed, Multi-polar magnetization When you want to inquir or purchase, pls tell us below information: 1.Type of magnet (material & grade) N35-N52,N35M-N50M,N35H-N48H,N35SH-N45SH,N30UH-N40UH,N30EH-N38EH. 2.Shape and dimensions (drawing if necessary) Dis,rock,ing,rc(tile),regular etc. 3. .Quantity (annual and per shipment) 4. Magnetized or unmagnetized (Direction of magnetization) 5.Coating/plating Ni, Ni-Cu-Ni, Zn, Ag, Au and other special plating and coating ; 6.Other information and/or requirements Tks!